Author: Ghulam Sarwar
Publisher: The Muslim Educational Trust
Format: Paperback
Ages: Elementary School
Code: 9780907261391
Language: English
The important pillar of Islam, Salah (daily prayers) is explained in detail in this invaluable book. The aim is to acquaint young Muslims with the knowledge necessary to be able to perform this vital act of worship. The book gives a detailed account of the process of making Wudu, then carefully describes how to perform Salah. In addition to the five daily Salah, there are chapters on Salah for special occasions, eleven Surahs of the Qur'an, and a selection of Qur'anic verses on Ma'ruf and Munkar. The author sets out to achieve this with the use of diagrams, pictures, Arabic text and English transliteration. The intended age range is 10 - 16, although older people may also find it a useful aid to learning.